Welcome to Nurturing the Heart
with the Brain in Mind
We are delighted to announce that we are expanding our teaching group this year and next, with Vanessa, Karen, Heidi, and Pearl joining Jo and Bonnie. They are people who have deeply immersed themselves in Interpersonal Neurobiology and Relational Neuroscience for decades, embodying it, living it in their personal as well as professional lives. Our community is so fortunate to have these wise and wonderful people sharing their hearts and their wisdom.
Karen Welch, LMFT and Heidi Struble, MFA, with decades of deep study and practice between them, are facilitating the Year-Long IPNB Immersion and Heart of Trauma. You can read their biographies by clicking on their names.

Vanessa Timmons, healer, life coach, writer, social justice activist, and advocate brings 35 years of service and support to the healing class she is offering: Journaling as a Conversation with Our Inner World.
She and Pearl Waldorf, MEd, LPC, CGP co-facilitate Embodied Liberation: A Racial Justice Workshop. Pearl is also a somatic therapist, long-time student of IPNB, and certified group psychotherapist. She is currently offering monthly support gatherings for leaders of all kinds of groups. Click on their names for their biographies.

Bonnie Badenoch, PhD, LMFT (Retired), and Jo Hadlock-King, LICSW will be teaching Therapy as Spiritual Practice. Many who have come to the year-long training have expressed an interest in the connection between spirituality and the work we do, and this 3-day retreat will spend time in that tender territory. Read more about them by clicking on their names.